Acrylic Edge Finish

American Acrylics

laser edge

Laser Cut Edge – this creates a smooth polished edge.  With close inspection, you can see fine lines from the pulsing of the laser.

edged edge

Routed Edge – this creates a smooth, burr free edge.  There are some visible lines from the mechanical routing process.

acrylic edge finish

Saw Cut Edge  – the surface is rough and you can see grooves from the saw cutting process.

Acrylic Edge Finish – Choose your preference


For any acrylic project, its important to decide on an acrylic edge finish.  

  1. Simple square and rectangle shapes –  A saw cut edge may be fine for certain glazing projects or decorative projects where the edegs will be covered.  For example, a window or picture frame will have trim covering the edges.  So, saw cutting may be just find and is the lowest cost option.
  2. Simple shapes with exposed edges – A routed edge may be preferred for these applciations for safety or astethic purposes.  Where a saw cut edge could be dangerous with sharp edges, a routed edge will be smooth and frosted.  
  3. Simple or complex shaps with exposed edges – The laser cutting method is ideal for any cases where the shape needed is complex or a more polished looking edge is desired.
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